biohacking tool kit

It all started when…

I was in fifth grade and went to a summer camp in a Lyme-endemic area of Maine. We spent the days sitting in hayfields and walking in the woods in flip-flops. I spiked a high fever, and the camp counselors agreed it was homesickness. Two months later, I started to experience one of the most common pediatric presentations of Lyme disease: intense knee pain. I was prescribed Vioxx, now off the market, along with physical therapy and ibuprofen. Fast forward through decades of physical pain, anxiety, a miscarriage, and various health issues... Years of antibiotic treatments, well-known aggressive herbal protocols, and hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on tests and experimental treatments.

I want to give you the tools that I’ve found that have helped the most.

I recently started using Lifewave patches, and within just three days, I noticed a significant difference in my daily routine. I began waking up early, feeling refreshed and no longer exhausted. The persistent pain in my lower spine also showed remarkable improvement. Lifewave patches utilize phototherapy, a technology that uses specific wavelengths of light to stimulate the body's natural healing processes. These patches are designed to reflect infrared light, which then activates specific points on the skin, promoting various health benefits.

One of the key components of Lifewave patches is their ability to elevate copper peptides in the body. Copper peptides are known to play a crucial role in wound healing, tissue repair, and the production of new stem cells. Studies have shown that increasing copper peptide levels can enhance overall cellular function and improve the body's ability to heal itself. The patches work by stimulating acupuncture points on the body, which in turn can lead to improved energy flow and balance within the body.

After using these patches daily for a month, I am thoroughly hooked. The benefits have been so impressive that I am now recommending Lifewave patches to friends who face a variety of challenges, from managing chronic pain to simply wanting younger-looking skin. This innovative approach not only supports overall wellness but also aligns with a holistic lifestyle. I strongly encourage others to research these patches and discover the potential benefits for themselves.

The most economical way to get started with these is to sign up as a Brand Partner. There are several pricing options, but this way is a way to cut costs. It also helped me commit to using them, as certain challenges take longer to resolve than others. My energy for example, bounced back quickly, but other things like my wrinkles take a bit longer. The thing I have to do with these patches is stick one on each morning. That’s it.

As a farmer committed to sustainable and healthy living, I've discovered the incredible benefits of using doTERRA essential oils around the farm. One of the standout practices we've adopted is adding oregano oil to our poultry waterers. After years of relying on antibiotics and witnessing the havoc they wreak on the gut's microbiome, we've made it a priority to avoid them whenever possible. This natural approach has been a game-changer in maintaining the health of our poultry without compromising their well-being.

Additionally, replacing all of our synthetic, toxic chemical cleaning products was crucial for our overall healing journey. With doTERRA essential oils, we've managed to do just that, and the results have been nothing short of amazing. We've replaced nearly every cleaning product with three simple ingredients: white vinegar, distilled water, and essential oils. Not only have these natural solutions proven to be effective, but they've also saved us a significant amount of money.

Navigating the world of essential oils can be overwhelming, especially with some oils costing over $100. However, I've found that investing in high-quality oils like those from doTERRA is worth every penny. Their purity and potency ensure that we're getting the best possible benefits, whether we're using them for cleaning, in our poultry care, or for personal health and wellness.

I'd love to chat more about how we've integrated essential oils into our farm life and how you can do the same. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to learn more about the specific ways we've used these natural solutions to create a healthier, more sustainable environment.

The Richway BioMat is a therapeutic device that harnesses the power of far-infrared heat, negative ions, and amethyst crystals to provide a deeply rejuvenating experience. Despite being an advanced piece of technology, the concept behind the BioMat—using heat and crystals for healing—traces back to ancient civilizations who believed in the restorative properties of these elements.

At the core of BioMat therapy is far infrared (FIR) technology. FIR rays, a form of invisible light, penetrate deep into the body, delivering therapeutic benefits on a cellular level. Unlike harmful UV rays, FIR rays are completely safe and have been extensively studied for their health-promoting effects.

How Far Infrared Works

The gentle heat generated by far infrared rays warms the body, reaching up to 6 inches into the tissues. This deep heat triggers the body's natural healing response in several ways:

1. Improved Circulation

FIR rays dilate blood vessels and enhance blood flow, promoting better blood circulation by up to 68% in clinical studies. This increased blood flow delivers essential nutrients, oxygen, and immune cells to cells and tissues, supporting rejuvenation and overall health.

2. Detoxification

The deep penetrating heat activates sweat glands, facilitating the release of toxins and waste from the body. This detoxification process supports the immune system and enhances overall well-being including lowering stress.

3. Pain Relief

FIR rays have analgesic properties, effectively alleviating pain and reducing muscle tension. The heat from FIR rays provides relief for chronic pain conditions, muscle soreness, and joint stiffness.

Versatile Uses of the BioMat Minis

While massage therapists, naturopaths, and acupuncturists often opt for the large full-size mats, I've found that the BioMat Minis offer the best value. They are incredibly versatile and can be used in various settings:

- On the Couch:Enjoy the soothing benefits while watching a movie or relaxing.

- For Pets:With a waterproof cover, they can be used to provide comfort and relief for aging dogs or cats.

- On the Bed:Experience a deeply restful sleep with the BioMat Mini on your bed.

The BioMat Minis are also easily movable, even for those with limited strength. They occasionally go on sale, so please contact me so I can help you get the best deal.

If you're interested in exploring the profound benefits of the BioMat and want to experience a blend of ancient wisdom and modern technology, feel free to reach out. I'm here to help you find the best solutions for your wellness journey.